Site Info

This website is an interactive academic tool for CEA-UNH course: International Human Rights: Universal Principles in World Politics

Instructor: Dr. Scott Blair

CEA Paris Global Campus

Spring 2011

UNH Course Code: POL 350

Credits: 3

Friday, May 20, 2011

Why Human Rights Matters...

Human Rights matters for many reasons, and one most important reason is because it is essentially the basic foundation for a person to be able to govern and live their own life. Many governmental systems do not follow the protocol of human rights, and that is mainly because freedom doesn't exist in every area of the world. For instance, in some countries there are guidelines that permit women from going to school. In the U.S. it is a right for everyone to be granted an opportunity to learn, and that excludes gender, race, or sexual preference.

It is important that governmental systems recognize that the rights for everyone should begin with equality in all forms. In Africa is a law in the Congo that allows gays to be killed which is disregarding any and every form of human rights. By someone being killed solely based off their sexual preference is an extreme violation of Human Rights.

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