Syria, also known as the Syrian Arab Republic, is a small country bordered by Turkey, Iraq, Israel, and Jordan. It was formerly known as the United Arab Republic (with Egypt). Modern Syria was created because of a French mandate, and attained independence in 1946, as a parliamentary republic. It has been governed by the Baath Party in 1963, although most of the power is concentrated into presidency and military and political powers. The current president of Syria is Bashar al-Assad, who has been in reign as president since 2000. The government inflicted in Syria is republican, under an authoritarian regime. The main population of Syria is Sunni Muslim.
Syria is a very powerful regional force politically. Syria is particularly noted for its central role in the Arab conflict with Israel, which since 1967 has occupied Golan heights, and by active involvement in Lebanese and Palestinian affairs. Golan Heights is Israeli-occupied with the almost 1,000-strong UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) patrolling a buffer zone since 1964. There is no clear boundary between Lebanon and Syria, and several sections have been in dispute. Since 2000 Lebanon has claimed the area of Shab’a Farms in Golan Heights. The Syrian Arab Republic has also been a very prominent place where Iraqi’s take refuge from the Iraqi conflict, with a majority of the two million refugees residing in Syria and Lebanon. (CIA)
Syria has a very long and prominent history in the industry of sex trafficking of women and children. Syria is a destination and transit country for women and children trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation and forced labor. Women and children especially in populated Iraqi refugee areas have been forced into commercial sexual exploitation by Iraqi gangs. Many other countries, such as The Philippines, Sri Lanka, Ethiopia, and Sierra Lione are recruited to work as domestic slaves in Syria, and have faced many conditions of involuntary servitude including sexual abuse, non-payment of wages, and withholding of passports (CIA-The World Factbook).
The news of the riots in Egypt has spread to Syria. In fact Syria recently (Feb. 6) attempted to publicly riot against President Assad, but the extensive security “nipped” any possibility of protests. To read the full article click here:
How Syria dodged an Egypt-Style 'Day of Rage'. (2011, February 6). Retrieved from
CIA-the world factbook. (2011, February 12). Retrieved from
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