Site Info
Instructor: Dr. Scott Blair
CEA Paris Global Campus
Spring 2011
UNH Course Code: POL 350
Credits: 3
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Morocco: Rejection of New Constitution Draft
(Picture above from
Just recently, the King released a draft constitution regarding the alleviation of some of the King's power as well as making the judiciary independent. Unfortunately, protesters did not agree with the draft due to an issue with making the judiciary independent and several peaceful protests were held on April 25th, the largest in Casablanca.
Protesters refused the draft due to the fact that the constitution was written by the king's own governmental people. Due to severe corruption in the Moroccan government there has been disputes on the regulation of government officials and this shows the issue when the new constitution is written by these corrupted government officials. Bribery is one of the largest issues in the government and "many believe that bribery in Morocco needs to be tackled before any reforms can actually take place." This is evident in the fact that "Morocco was recently ranked the 89th most corrupt country in the world by Transparency International." (CNN)
A powerful quote came from a student regarding the issue on the government as well as suggesting the fact that the constitution needs to come from the people:
"I came here today because we are Moroccans and we want a democratic state ... we are not in a democratic state and we want democracy, liberty and dignity," said engineering student Tehani, 20, who did not want to give her full name and is a member of Fevrier 20. "We want a new constitution but a constitution who comes from 'la masse populaire,' not from one person," she told CNN at the rally in Casablanca. "We want a committee which represents all the Moroccans, we want a committee of a constitution which we choose."
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
United Arab Emirates Update!
On April 10th a human rights activist was arrested in the UAE. Ahmed Mansoor, an activist that "recently called on the government to establish an elected parliament as well as give more freedoms to citizens" was recently honored by Human Rights Watch for his efforts to promote human rights within the UAE. The entire case is raising suspicion because the police had come to his house the night before at 3 AM to question him about his car. Other human rights activists are commenting that the UAE is detaining him to scare and intimidate other people that agree with the views of Ahmed.
The reports on why he is being held is inconsistent as well. Reuters was unable to reach the police spokesman and the local paper, The National, stated that the police "said Mansoor was arrested in connection with a criminal case". On April 12th the public was told that Mansoor was arrested for charges on alcohol since it is illegal under Islamic sharia law for muslims to be in procession of or to consume alcohol. Although it is sold in hotels and bars, there was no evidence that he was carrying any.
His location is also being withheld too and Human Rights Watch called on the government to "disclose his whereabouts and condition".
"A day before his arrest, Mansoor had sent an email to colleagues and friends saying he was worried police would try to plant something in his car to create a reason for his arrest."
Monday, April 11, 2011
Chad Update
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Update on Syria
U.A.E. Update
While migrant workers rights are still a problem in the U.A.E., privacy has also been a major concern for the last several years. In August of 2010 bans were planned (but not carried through) for Blackberry mobile phones, because the government was unable to intercept and monitor communications, messages and emails. Because Blackberrys send encrypted date to computer servers outside of the two countries, the governments do not have access to it, despite trying to negotiate with RIM, the makers of Blackberry.
The UAE denies that this issue involves censorship, and claims that Blackberrys "lack compliance with local laws that raise judicial, social and national security concerns". This issue follows a similar one last year when the UAE's telecoms regulator, TRA, attempted to install spyware on Blackberry handsets, as well as a refusal in 2007 for TRA to have access to encrypted networks so they could monitor email and other data.
However, in October of 2010, only three days before the scheduled ban, RIM (the makers of blackberry) and the UAE reached an agreement that would allow Blackberry's to not be banned. However, neither the UAE or RIM would discuss the details of what changed, though RIM stated it would make no changes to security architecture.
"As such we can only hypothesize that some kind of workaround has been agreed in terms and conditions between the UAE regulator and local carriers gain access to e-mails sent over the Blackberry service," Tony Cripps, principal analyst at Ovum said.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Update on Morocco
According to YahooNews these other changes have also been announced to help change the civil and political system:
"King Mohammed recently announced sweeping democratic reforms, including the introduction of an elected prime minister and broader personal freedoms.
He promised a series of major measures including a commission to revise the constitution, independence for the justice system, separation of powers, and enhanced powers for the prime minister, apparently presaging a move towards a constitutional monarchy".
The announcement, the first after the protest made on February 20th, of these reforms were made in March stating from the King: “Our initiative for a constitutional reform is considered an essential step to reinforce our democratic and developmental approach. We will work on reinforcing this through continuing political, economic, social and cultural reforms in order to ensure that all institutions are playing their roles,” said the King.
Video and article:
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